CARE-ing about the Community

In July of 2021, CARE Counseling attended the Twin Cities Pride celebration in Loring Park where we donated a dollar of our own money to CAREMore (Over $400), for each person that joined our resources newsletter. CARE More is a non-profit founded by CARE Counseling that raises money to pay for books for BIPOC students pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree at the University of St. Thomas. Currently in Minnesota, only 1.8% of clinicians are BIPOC and by removing one barrier we hope to make a difference.  

To keep the community support flowing we then turned to our staff and asked what charities they were passionate about that served our community as well. We donated $20 on behalf of every employee. These are some of the charities chosen by employees: 

CARE More | Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery | Black Visions Collective | The Bridge for Youth  | CornerhouseCan Do Canines | Connections To Independence (C2I) | All Square Minneapolis | Autism Society of Minnesota | Justice Frontline Aid | Crisis Text Line | Quatrefoil Library | George Floyd Global Memorial


Donating allows us to further our mission of, ”Building a community to strengthen the community.” Donating to charities that matter to our clinicians also allows us to support them on a personal level. Thank you to everyone for a wildly successful PRIDE season. To learn more about what CARE Counseling does, check out the information below! You can also learn more about CARE Counseling’s nonprofit, CARE More by visiting  

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Our wellness experts will be happy to take care of you. You can CLICK HERE to schedule an appointment now or call (612)223-8898.

Meet Clinicians

We’re united by our commitment to providing effective, relevant, and innovative mental health support at all stages of your journey. Click Here to find out more about who we are, where we come from, and how we live out CARE’s mission every day.

The professionals at CARE are actively collecting and creating resources to help with what you need. We’re Here for You.