Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

What is ADHD?

There are three types of ADHD: 

  • Inattentive
    • This type of ADHD is sometimes called ADD because it is characterized by easy distractibility but not hyperactivity
  • Hyperactive
    • This type of ADHD is characterized by impulsivity but not inattention
  • Combined
    • This type of ADHD involves both inattention and hyperactivity

What are the symptoms of ADHD?


  • Easily distracted
  • Forgetful
  • Makes careless mistakes
  • Has trouble paying attention
  • Ignores a speaker even when spoken to directly
  • Has difficulty following directions
  • Fails to finish tasks
  • Loses focus easily 
  • Appears disorganized 
  • Dislikes tasks that require concentration
  • Loses things necessary for tasks like school supplies, keys, paperwork, glasses, etc.
  • Overlook details


  • Appears to always be moving
  • Talks nonstop
  • Squirms and constantly fidgets
  • Ges up and runs around or climbs in inappropriate situations
  • Cannot remain quiet while playing or otherwise
  • Blurts out answers while someone is still asking the question
  • Interrupts others


  • Child must display symptoms before age 12
  • Has symptoms in many settings – not just at home or just at school
  • Their symptoms interfere with their ability to function normally

Adult ADHD

Could I have ADHD as an adult?

ADHD develops during childhood but may not be diagnosed until adulthood.

How can I function better as an adult with ADHD?

  • Keep a consistent schedule
  • Make lists of activities or things that need to get done
  • Assign important items a special place and always return them there
  • See a counselor or therapist who can help you create personal goals to help you function better

More information

Read more about adult ADHD here

Take an Adult ADHD screener here


Stimulant medications, psychotherapy, and behavioral training can be helpful to reduce symptoms and improve functioning for those with ADHD. Therapists can help teach children with ADHD social skills and how to respond appropriately in different situations. Family therapy can help improve interactions with the child with ADHD and help parents with skills they need to encourage positive behavior in their child. There are also support groups that may help connect families to others with similar concerns.

What are some ways I can help my child with ADHD stay organized?

  • Keep the same routine every day and write any changes on the schedule as far in advance as you can 
  • Keep your house organized and have a place for everything 
  • Help your child understand the importance of writing down assignments so they learn to stay organized
  • Make rules clear and consistent
  • Praise your child when they follow the rules

Additional resources

Here and here are two videos explaining the basics of ADHD

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