
9:11This week marks 21 years since the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The experiences and images of that day remain a collective trauma for many people across the United States. Trauma typically refers to the emotional response to a terrible event. Collective trauma can bring distress and lasting consequences to both individuals and entire communities. As a result of collective trauma, people often feel powerless as our bodies recall difficult memories.

September 11th left lasting impacts on a number of different groups of people: an overwhelming number of Americans who were present during the attacks or old enough to recall the day, individuals in the military and their families that were affected by the subsequent long-lasting war, and communities that experienced newly defined stereotypes, discrimination, and hate crimes after the attacks.

This day each year can bring up big emotions including fear, grief, anger, and confusion in various communities as people navigate the rippling effects of the event. If you find that you or your loved ones are feeling the impact of the upcoming day, make sure to reach out for support in ways that are helpful for you.

Written By : Hannah Dufek, MS, LADC, LPCC

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