
Concerns with self-confidence and self-esteem are incredibly common and yet, not taken seriously in many contexts. With phrases like “fake it until you make it” and “just do it” uttered so many times in our daily lives, your concerns around self-confidence may not feel validated or normalized. The opposite appears to be true- some have estimated that nearly 85% of the world’s population has low self-esteem!

Perhaps you are someone with varying self-confidence; some days, you may feel capable and empowered, other days, self-doubt shadows your every thought and action, leaving you feeling miserable. In the case of self-confidence, counseling can help you find a balance in your life. You deserve to feel confident in who you are and what you do; talking with a professional about your doubts, “Imposter Syndrome,” and negative thought patterns can help.

We can help.

In therapy at Care Counseling, you may work on understanding the source of low self-confidence, process negative past experiences, and learn to recognize inner critical voices.

Common Signs of Low Self Confidence

  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty completing tasks
  • Isolating and withdrawing
  • Feeling taken advantage of in relationships
  • Trying to control your words and actions to get people to like you or agree with you
  • Sensitive to criticism
  • Consistent negative thoughts about yourself
  • Difficulty in asserting yourself
  • Difficulty maintaining eye contact

Treatment at CARE Counseling

  • Notice and edit negative thinking patterns, like “all or nothing” thinking
  • Learn coping skills for holding space for difficult thoughts and feelings that may arise
  • Recognize and replace your inner critical voice with a kinder, more compassionate voice

Therapists who can help with self confidence

CARE’s Providers are In-Network with a variety of providers including:

BlueCross BlueShield logo
PreferredOne logo
Cigna Logo
Health EZ Logo
UCARE logo
Hennepin Healthcare logo
Health Partners logo
Aetna Logo
Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP) logo

Additionally, Out of Network & Out of Pocket options are available.