I don’t feel safe at Home : Domestic Abuse + Quarantine
Increased stress with job loss, lack of finances, kids home from school, and social isolation can create an even more volatile home environment for victims and survivors of domestic violence. Mental health challenges, drinking and drug use can also create more intense home situations. These factors combined with police calls related to domestic violence is raising concerns. Governor Tim Walz highlighted Domestic Violence in his daily COVID-19 briefing Monday. Two-thirds of the police calls over the weekend were domestic violence related,” Walz said. “We need to talk about this”.
The statistics around domestic violence are staggering. According to the Resource Center on Domestic Violence: Child Protection and Custody, it is estimated that between 3.3 million and 10 million children are exposed to domestic violence each year. For those who are victims and survivors of domestic violence, school, work, and community gathering places are often places of refuge. With the shelter in place restrictions currently in effect, there are increased concerns of the implications of being in quarantine with an abuser. Social isolation and controlled access to resources are two areas of concern. This can make it more difficult to know that there is help for those impacted by domestic violence or make it harder to reach out for help. It is important to know that resources are available.
It takes courage and strength to reach out for help. Emotions such as fear, guilt, or shame can make seeking help feel more challenging. It is important to remember that abuse is not your fault. There is free and confidential help available both locally and nationally.
Working with an advocate can help victims and survivors of domestic violence know what to do to keep themselves and other family members safe. Parents should be talking to their children so that they know what to do to keep safe such as where to go and how to dial 911. It is important that children understand the plan as to not be unintended victims of violence.
Calling a domestic violence crisis hotline can provide additional support and provide you with options and offer connection to resources such as housing options, mental health, and legal resources such as how to obtain an order for protection https://dayoneservices.org/order-for-protection/.
Minnesota Domestic Violence Day One Crisis Hotline: 866-223-1111; Text 612-399-9995. https://dayoneservices.org/
The National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-SAFE (24 hour hotline) https://www.thehotline.org/
If you are in immediate danger, call 911.