Textbooks costs are real

COO, John Hutchinson sat down with one of CARE Counseling’s Practicum Students to discuss the hardships of being a student.

The sole purpose of CARE More is to remove one barrier for students, so more mental health professionals can enter the field.

Watch the emotional impact you can have by helping to cover the cost of textbooks.

CARE more is a non-profit community initiative created by CARE Counseling for the purpose of creating systemic change within the mental health community.


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On July 30th, our current electronic health system will transition to a new and advanced system to better serve you: Athena. Prior to the transition date, you will be sent a registration link to create a new patient account in Athena. If you have any immediate questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your therapist, or call our office to speak to a staff member.