Care for Myself

Reaching out for help is hard, especially when you’re reaching out to get help for such a vulnerable thing like mental health. Maybe you’ve never come to therapy, or maybe you’ve been to therapy a number of times, if you find yourself struggling with any of the following, it is time to reach out to us at CARE Counseling and we will find the right therapist for you.

How can I get the most out of therapy?

Effective therapy involves active participation and vulnerability, and it’s very normal to feel nervous or uncertain about opening up in therapy when you first begin. Because of this, it can take a little bit of time before a person fully experiences the benefits of therapy. Typically, the first few sessions of therapy are more focused on learning about you and getting to understand the challenges that are bringing you in. During your third session with a therapist, you’ll complete a “treatment plan” that helps to lay out more specific goals for your therapy, and it’s after this that you get into the kinds of sessions that most people picture when they think about what therapy is.  

A therapist’s job is less about giving you prescribed answers to any given question and more about helping you find your own answers to the questions that come up in life. It’s also important to communicate with your therapist about what kind of growth you’re looking for in therapy, and to let your therapist know when you feel like something isn’t working for you.  

Therapists who are here for you

CARE’s Providers are In-Network with a variety of providers including:

BlueCross BlueShield logo
PreferredOne logo
United Healthcare logo
UCARE logo
Hennepin Healthcare logo
Health EZ Logo
Health Partners logo
Aetna Logo
Cigna Logo
Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP) logo

Additionally, Out of Network & Out of Pocket options are available.