Purpose Groups

CARE Counseling’s Clinicians have a grief, hope and healing approach to working with people who are experiencing loss and provide education to help them navigate uncertainty.

A will workshop, why do you need it?

  • Appointing an individual who will raise your children (if they are minors), This can help alleviate some of the conflict associated with custody battles if court action is required.
  • You will get to decide who gets your property and when they get it, if you do not personally decide the court will pick your beneficiaries for you and the amount, they receive.
  • You will be able to pick an executor and give them the authority to make decisions and take care of things the way you want. If you don’t name one the court will select one for you.
  • Minimize court involvement. If you do not spell out your wishes in your will the court will become more involved, people may hire lawyers, and things can become more complicated.
  • Leaving a legacy, you can choose to make charitable donations, start a scholarship, etc. you can delegate where you want your money to go.

Most common documents included in a will:


General power of attorney

Healthcare power of attorney

A living will advance directive

The impact of death and Loss on teens; Talking about Death and Suicide in schools?

  • Understanding common grief reactions such as decreased appetite, difficulty sleeping, inability to concentrate, sadness, withdrawal, etc.
  • Use terms death, die, or dying in conversations to avoid euphemisms
  • Be patient, teachers may have to answer the same question multiple times, repeat key information. Listen, acknowledge feelings, and be nonjudgmental
  • Normalize feelings by telling feelings that students that these emotions are common to experience after death, refer to appropriate professionals if student expresses risk to self (suicidal thoughts)
  • Be sensitive to cultural differences of students and families in expressing grief and honoring the dead
  • Maintain a normal routine in the classroom as much as you can
  • Provide the opportunity to talk and ask questions to guide further discussion. Be mindful that not all children feel comfortable sharing their feelings, so do not pressure students to talk and offer alternatives to expression of emotions such as (drawing, listening to music, playing a game)
  • When the whole school is affected by a student or teacher death
    • A letter should be sent home to all parents informing of the death
    • Continue to provide students, parents, etc. with relevant updates
    • Provide guidelines on how to share information with their students

Death, a difficult conversation; start by focusing on specific age groups

  • Preschool
    • Provide opportunities to express thoughts and feelings about death through play activities and drawing
    • Answer questions if they have them
    • Recognize potential reactions (crying, screaming, fear of separation, regression of behaviors)
  • Elementary School 
    • Answer questions and be patient if questions are repeated
    • Provide a variety of ways for students to express grief
    • Inform students that they could not have prevented death nor is it their fault that the individual is gone, recognize these thoughts, feelings, and fears but do not validate them
    • Recognize possible reactions (decreased concentration, behavioral difficulties, depression, withdrawal)
  • Middle & High School 
    • Do not force students to share feelings with others if they do not feel comfortable. Also provide them with opportunities to share their feelings privately
    • Students in this age group may feel more comfortable expressing their feelings of grief the way adults do, be mindful of this
    • High school students may use more physical contact to show their support and empathy (hugging, touching the arm)
    • Possible reactions (poor school performance, anxiety, depression, increased risky behavior such as substance use, suicidal thoughts)

If you or someone you care about needs professional help or support to process your feelings of loss and gain understanding around your experience of grief, reach out to the clinicians at CARE Counseling to support you in your steps toward healing.